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1. Students join the  Bay Area progressive movement


1960 -- Students support the Caryl Chessman execution protests in San Francisco

1960 -- UC Stiles Hall students investigate farm labor conditions in the San Joaquin Valley

1960 -- Students make a trip to LA to support a civil rights platform at the Democratic National Convention

1960 -- C.O.R.E. pickets Woolworth’s in Berkeley to support Southern students’ lunch-counter sit-ins

1960 -- Students join the protest against the HUAC hearings in San Francisco--also, here are two short videos of my testimony

1961 -- C.O.R.E. pickets the Paramount Theater in Oakland to protest discrimination in southern Paramount theaters


1961 -- Students participate in the San Francisco Cuban invasion protests

2. Liberal and radical campus groups politicize the Berkeley campus

1960 -- Protest against mandatory R.O.T.C. on campus


1960 -- Early free speech rally


1961 -- Mass campus rally to support indicted free-speech activist Frank Wilkinson

1958-1956 -- SLATE -- history, elections, 1962 summer conference

1966 -- UC Student Strike

1968 --The Eldridge Cleaver teaching controversy -- Moses Hall Sit-In and Rally


1968 -- The Vietnam “Commencement Rally” in Sproul Plaza

1969 -- Irish independence activist Bernadette Devlin speaks at UC


1960s -- Political tables on campus

3. Working with the black and brown communities


1963, 1964 --Youth For Jobs


1963 -- Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination in Hiring: Mel's Drive-in


1964 -- Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination in Hiring:  San Francisco Sheraton Palace Hotel

1964 -- Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination in Hiring: Oakland Tribune Newspaper


1964 -- The S.F. Area-2 community organizing action


1965 -- Welfare rights organization in Oakland.


1965 -- Protesting Oakland Police discrimination in hiring

1967 -- The “Police and the Ghetto” meeting at San Francisco’s Hall of Flowers

1970 -- Rallying to the defense of "Los Siete de la Raza" in San Francisco

4. The Bay Area peace Movement

1961 -- SF Easter Peace March


1962 --“No More Hiroshimas” SF protests

1965 -- Vietnam Day march to the Berkeley/Oakland border

1967 -- Support rally for G.I. Ron Lockman

1967-- Peace Torch Marathon in San Francisco


1967 -- Stop The Draft Week rally at UC Berkeley, and the Oakland Induction Center shutdown



1967 or 1968 -- Peace Demonstration in the San Francisco Financial district 






1968 -- San Francisco G.I. march to bring the troops home


1970 -- Greek Theater Convocation at UC to protest expansion of Vietnam War into Cambodia


5. 1969, The National Guard invades Berkeley -- teargas, death and People's Park

1969 -- Teargas and death at the People’s Park protest, UC Berkeley and Telegraph Avenue

6. The Third World Liberation Front:


1969 -- TWLF strike at UC


7. Black Power:

1966 -- UC hosts “Black Power Rally” and panel of activists, featuring Stokely Carmichael

1969 -- The Black Panther Party’s school for children

1969 -- The Black Panther Party's “United Front Against Fascism” conference in Oakland

8. Conditions in Oakland:

1966 -- Photographs of West Oakland taken for the Robert Scheer campaign

9. The Jim Crow South:


1964 -- Photo journal from Alabama and Mississippi with Harvey Richards while making a fund-raising film for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

10. Somehow, uniquely Berkeley

1966 -- Anti-war Jr. high school teens march on the streets of Berkeley and speak at the Berkeley City Council


1966 -- UC Berkeley Buskers and Meditation Group

1970--Berkeley rent strikes


11. Building an Activist Employee's Union on Campus

1966-70 -- AFSCME Local 1695

12. The Fillmore and the Longshoremen's Hall, San Francisco

1966 -- Trippin' to the music: dancing at the Fillmore and the ILWU Hall in San Francisco 





1961 -- People's World Benefit with Pete Seeger

1961 -- CP spokesman and theoretician Herbert Aptheker speaks at Stiles Hall


1961 -- Some of the "People’s World" staff

1963 -- Northern California CP Chairman Mickey Lima speaks on campus


14. Portraits

1960s -- Political people: some famous, some not-so-famous


13. The public face of 

the Communist Party


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